For eight years if not more my neighbor's douchebag brother keeps stealing our parking spot. We have three cars, this lady doesn't; we live here, he doesn't; we have only one spot. This guy has the nerve to tell us that he (who doesn't live there and only visits once a week) owns that spot?? HAHAHA I don't think so.
After so much feud about it being our spot we told our manager/ land lord and all he does is move his car out so that bitch can move his car in. I love our manager and his family. We have been family for YEARS!! I am not going to let him be a bitch and move his spot if legally he doesn't have to.
Last week my dad threatened to call the cops if he took our spot one more time. When my mom left to visit her friend the guy moved his car into our spot. When I got home my dad told me this and we both agreed we have been fed up (even though I rather mustard up a GIANT swastika on his car)
I called 3-1-1 and they forwarded me to Parking enforcement at 6:37pm. When I spoke to them they said they would have cars out here in a little bit. It's now 7:07pm and I received a call saying I have to call 2-1-1 to report a resident violation. WTF? It took them a half hour to tell me to call another number?? FAIL!!
I went out to check for the bitch's car so I can take down his info while he was still down there, but I guess between the time I went to give my mum her phone to when I got back to my apt, he left the spot. DAMMIT!! I was so fucking close to getting his ass in the city. I think he is planning on staying overnight so if I see him walk back to the neighbor's apt, I'm definitely gonna call 2-1-1 and tell them to get their ass over here and work on this eight-year feud. I definitely want this shit solved and done with before I move.
He is such a F*** Jerkoff as well! He yells at us all the time DEMANDING us to move our car out of his spot! Excuse me? What a joke! Now he DEMANDS the manager to move HIS car out of the garage. THE MANAGER!! The guy who should have kicked out that lady YEARS ago for abusing residential rules that she signed on contract!! I hate it when the guys in charge get too soft. XP
ANYWAYS~ On a good note! My last day at work will be July 20th and my first day at the new job will hopefully be Aug 23rd. :)
Sunday, June 27, 2010
Saturday, June 26, 2010
Oh Hannah Montana
I was watching a "Hannah Montana" episode where Hannah confuses her kid fans with her likes and dislikes. Yeah right like kids are really going to stop following her every move. I was watching an episode of "The Replacements" where the main girl was turned into the popular "it" girl. She wanted everyone to do what they wanted, but found out that what they wanted to do was follow her.
Hey Miley! You just screwed the rest of the population with your rebellious attitude. If little girls are gonna dress up like little mini-Miley-whores and the amount of pedophiles will increase. all thanks to you. you couldn't wait until after Hannah Montana was done to perform in your panties. *sigh* This society is SCREWED!!
Gonna start getting my boxes put together to move, then I'm gonna go to work and figure out what my transfer plan is. :) EXCITING!!
Hey Miley! You just screwed the rest of the population with your rebellious attitude. If little girls are gonna dress up like little mini-Miley-whores and the amount of pedophiles will increase. all thanks to you. you couldn't wait until after Hannah Montana was done to perform in your panties. *sigh* This society is SCREWED!!
Gonna start getting my boxes put together to move, then I'm gonna go to work and figure out what my transfer plan is. :) EXCITING!!
Friday, June 25, 2010
Aww~ C'MON!!
Seriously? Everyone I want to go to Disneyland with are all going during my work week!!! Do I have to wake up SUPER early to just go for a few hours just to hang out?? WHYYYY!! hahaha It's just insane crazy now at work and I'm not complaining too much. I guess I have the power to take a day off, it will just effect me in the long run.
What is coming up?
Well~ I have tickets to go see "In the Heights" but I don't know if Kieran or Jane will be going with me. Kieran isn't a fan of musicals, but doesn't want me to go by myself. It's on a Monday night so~ I don't know~.
and? My 21st Birthday Celebration!!! :D So far, a lot of people said they were coming, but usually half of that actually shows up. doesn't really surprise me either since I am still contemplating whether or not I will be serving alcohol. Everyone is telling me to go clubbing and to the bars and take the shots and drink whatever people buy you, but I'm not into clubs and bars, never was. I'm also allergic to certain alcohol. I might just have drink blends but not hard liquor. We'll see.
What is coming up?
Well~ I have tickets to go see "In the Heights" but I don't know if Kieran or Jane will be going with me. Kieran isn't a fan of musicals, but doesn't want me to go by myself. It's on a Monday night so~ I don't know~.
and? My 21st Birthday Celebration!!! :D So far, a lot of people said they were coming, but usually half of that actually shows up. doesn't really surprise me either since I am still contemplating whether or not I will be serving alcohol. Everyone is telling me to go clubbing and to the bars and take the shots and drink whatever people buy you, but I'm not into clubs and bars, never was. I'm also allergic to certain alcohol. I might just have drink blends but not hard liquor. We'll see.
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
With Guest Judge Patti LaBelle
July 10
12:00 pm to 4:00 pm
Knott's Boardwalk Ballroom
The Next Great Drummer competition is currently touring nationwide at Sam Ash Music Stores, a family owned chain since 1924. The finale’ competition will take place at Knotts Berry Farm on July 10, 2010 to benefit the Orange County Child Abuse Prevention Organization. Next Great Drummer provides a safe, yet fun forum for all ages to display their drum skills and network with other drum professionals and peers. Contestants are judged by award-winning drummers and music producers, who offer constructive criticism to encourage and inspire growth. Drum-off show is included with regular admission and will take place in Knott's Boardwalk Ballroom.
Why did I just re-post what is said on Knott's? Because Dig Jelly will be playing!! Why does that matter? Because I will be there! The next day is my birthday so I guess this will be an early birthday celebration! Join me and my buddies ... and Patti LaBelle at the coolest event of my summer!!
With Guest Judge Patti LaBelle
July 10
12:00 pm to 4:00 pm
Knott's Boardwalk Ballroom
The Next Great Drummer competition is currently touring nationwide at Sam Ash Music Stores, a family owned chain since 1924. The finale’ competition will take place at Knotts Berry Farm on July 10, 2010 to benefit the Orange County Child Abuse Prevention Organization. Next Great Drummer provides a safe, yet fun forum for all ages to display their drum skills and network with other drum professionals and peers. Contestants are judged by award-winning drummers and music producers, who offer constructive criticism to encourage and inspire growth. Drum-off show is included with regular admission and will take place in Knott's Boardwalk Ballroom.
Why did I just re-post what is said on Knott's? Because Dig Jelly will be playing!! Why does that matter? Because I will be there! The next day is my birthday so I guess this will be an early birthday celebration! Join me and my buddies ... and Patti LaBelle at the coolest event of my summer!!
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
First of all, I am posting the clock below which links to a fantastic blog cuz I really wanna win the clock!!
Now, before i run off to work (busy busy busy) I wanted to say a few things about work from last night.
1) Some people can be SUPER BUTTFACES! Not going to mention who, but I will definitely say that with so much confidence.
2) I Heart Vampires is a really good web-series that you have to watch. Why do I say that? Because I watch it when I have the time to watch it and the actor who plays 'Nick', Josh Nuncio, is really nice. Kinda felt bad for talking to him when his family was in town. If I knew that the 'visit' I would have kept the chat short so he could spend that much more time with the family. I think I looked like a fool when I told the rest of the staff who he was because no one seemed to have known what the show was. I'm not a Twilight fan, not really a fan of anything. I just watch and observe things. hahaha It's great to know that not all the celebs in the world are super stuck up and conceited.
3) Don't get microwaveable pasta/rice/meal. They end up smelling like barf and tasting like something you wish you never put into your mouth.
and finally 4) Baby Fart soup actually tastes decent with crackers.
Alright well I am going to get ready for work. xoxo!!
Now, before i run off to work (busy busy busy) I wanted to say a few things about work from last night.
1) Some people can be SUPER BUTTFACES! Not going to mention who, but I will definitely say that with so much confidence.
2) I Heart Vampires is a really good web-series that you have to watch. Why do I say that? Because I watch it when I have the time to watch it and the actor who plays 'Nick', Josh Nuncio, is really nice. Kinda felt bad for talking to him when his family was in town. If I knew that the 'visit' I would have kept the chat short so he could spend that much more time with the family. I think I looked like a fool when I told the rest of the staff who he was because no one seemed to have known what the show was. I'm not a Twilight fan, not really a fan of anything. I just watch and observe things. hahaha It's great to know that not all the celebs in the world are super stuck up and conceited.
3) Don't get microwaveable pasta/rice/meal. They end up smelling like barf and tasting like something you wish you never put into your mouth.
and finally 4) Baby Fart soup actually tastes decent with crackers.
Alright well I am going to get ready for work. xoxo!!
Monday, June 21, 2010
So~ yesterday was - I believe - worse than the day prior. My head was swollen where I had impact with the trash compactor (tale in previous blog entry) and a headache that took out one of my eyes for 3 hrs decided to visit. Being where I was (at work) made me think, "Should I fill out a worker's injury report?" So when my manager wasn't running around with much speed and stress I told him my situation and asked for some advice and he said to fill out the report. It was very difficult to work my 6hr shift since all there happened to be was the loud, bright, high motioned atmosphere I was working in. Agony!! Did I think about using pain killers? I was actually afraid it would do more damage than good with how I eat (not much)
Oh! Just noticed! Yesterday was Father's Day! Maybe that's why it was so stinking crowded and busy! Sorry dad. Major disappointment yesterday than, but he did say something that I should get used to saying, "I don't expect things so I wouldn't be disappointed." Such brilliant words! I usually say that as well especially for my birthday parties; although last year's party was much more successful than my 19th birthday party. Hazzah! So hopefully this summer my birthday will be a hit! I finalized my plans, but never asked the manager at the apt if it's alright to take over the back for a BBQ. They are a family friend so I am sure it won't be a problem.
Well today is another work day and hopefully my headache will go away and my bump will vanish. Thank goodness for bangs though.
Oh! Just noticed! Yesterday was Father's Day! Maybe that's why it was so stinking crowded and busy! Sorry dad. Major disappointment yesterday than, but he did say something that I should get used to saying, "I don't expect things so I wouldn't be disappointed." Such brilliant words! I usually say that as well especially for my birthday parties; although last year's party was much more successful than my 19th birthday party. Hazzah! So hopefully this summer my birthday will be a hit! I finalized my plans, but never asked the manager at the apt if it's alright to take over the back for a BBQ. They are a family friend so I am sure it won't be a problem.
Well today is another work day and hopefully my headache will go away and my bump will vanish. Thank goodness for bangs though.
Saturday, June 19, 2010
Today's Adventure!!
At work it was INSANE! I haven't been back at my original location for so long that I forgot how difficult it is to re-stock! It was constantly busy because of an event and when I had low blood sugar my co's noticed :P I felt woozy and dizzy and thought I was gonna faint, I can't really say that anymore since I do know how it feels to pass out. I have a witness!
When I went to take out the trash it was the WORST TIME EVER!! XP Busiest time if you ask me. I forgot the gloves, I couldn't find our giant rolly dumpster that makes taking trash to the trash compactor so much easier, but epic.
It was hot, the alley was crowded, and I was struggling to take an approximate total of 50+lbs to the compactor. Being the kind of person I am, I wasn't paying very much attention to my surrounding as I threw the bags from my tiny rolly trash can to the compactor I hit my head on the corner of the compactor! T_T Epic pain but luckily with the crowds coming down the alley I was able to sit there getting a nice tan and cooling off for 10mins. When I got back to where I found the trash can the door was closed - mind you when the door is closed I am locked out. I had to go all the way around the building to open the darn door open to bring in the trash can. My head felt like it was swelling a tiny bit so I asked a few of my co's whether or not they see something to the part of my forehead I hit my head. Apparently they did see a red boo-boo and luckily I was able to cover it with my hair (yay for bangs btw)
Things I have learned today:
1) Keep a distance from you and the corner of a trash compactor when throwing trash into it (it gets irritated)
2) If you haven't had hearty (i.e. sloppy joe status) food in a while, be cautious when eating it again and take Peptol Bismol or Tums afterwards. You will bloat.
3) Always have makeup handy in case you do get bonked on the head
4) Eat before your shift, during your breaks, and after the shift. Always stay hydrated.
5) Summer sucks in Los Angeles and Disneyland XP
When I went to take out the trash it was the WORST TIME EVER!! XP Busiest time if you ask me. I forgot the gloves, I couldn't find our giant rolly dumpster that makes taking trash to the trash compactor so much easier, but epic.
It was hot, the alley was crowded, and I was struggling to take an approximate total of 50+lbs to the compactor. Being the kind of person I am, I wasn't paying very much attention to my surrounding as I threw the bags from my tiny rolly trash can to the compactor I hit my head on the corner of the compactor! T_T Epic pain but luckily with the crowds coming down the alley I was able to sit there getting a nice tan and cooling off for 10mins. When I got back to where I found the trash can the door was closed - mind you when the door is closed I am locked out. I had to go all the way around the building to open the darn door open to bring in the trash can. My head felt like it was swelling a tiny bit so I asked a few of my co's whether or not they see something to the part of my forehead I hit my head. Apparently they did see a red boo-boo and luckily I was able to cover it with my hair (yay for bangs btw)
Things I have learned today:
1) Keep a distance from you and the corner of a trash compactor when throwing trash into it (it gets irritated)
2) If you haven't had hearty (i.e. sloppy joe status) food in a while, be cautious when eating it again and take Peptol Bismol or Tums afterwards. You will bloat.
3) Always have makeup handy in case you do get bonked on the head
4) Eat before your shift, during your breaks, and after the shift. Always stay hydrated.
5) Summer sucks in Los Angeles and Disneyland XP
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Blogging about... ETSY!!
Yay!! I haven't checked out Etsy for the longest time and was doing some jewelry research. I love cute things and I have found 6 shops with super cute things!! Here we go~
Hard Plastic Rock Candy Glitter Kitsch Glam Sparkle Pop
HPRCGKGSP (what a name!) Anyways~ They have SUPER CUTE Jewelry!! Bright colors, Huge pendants, and this is great!
Hard Plastic Rock Candy Glitter Kitsch Glam Sparkle Pop
Candy Necklaces! Rainbow Bracelets! More Cute Rainbow Necklaces!
You would never think Cute things like this would exist! The products are sorta pricey, but with all that labor in the details I think it is fair.
Octopus/Squid and Shark Hats. Are Hilarious. Not to mention the guy who is modeling them XD
Really Relaxed style of Art on your laptop, pendants, etc. It kinda says in the image above.
Cute Vintage Dresses and Accessories! The same girl who has the makeup line "SugarPill"
Here's one dress that she made and it's super duper cute!!!
Cute Stickers, Cute Paper, CUTE CUTE CUTE!! It's like Anime Fan Girl World for the Win!! :D

Here's one dress that she made and it's super duper cute!!!
Alright! Cute things on Etsy for the win! :D I guess that's all I'll post about for the time being. I'm going to work now yay! :D Hm... Hungry :/ Damn Phineas & Ferb making a frozen yogurt machine T_T
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
It has been FOREVER, but Magic Happens
So much has happened in the span of one full week!
First of all I wanted to thank The Little Mermaid for the Shoutout you are such a sweetheart! She has great reviews on films and writes about certain things that makes me think 'hmm...' She's smart and has such a wonderful personality; I wouldn't doubt it one bit if she was Ariel :D

I finished all my projects I have found a seamstress to make my Pocahontas costume (yay!) I am also getting a John Smith costume made for my boyfriend (yay!) So I guess we will have them ready and posted during Disneyland's Trick-or-Treat party :) Fingers crossed sooner!!
My Oceans Cut-Tee is done, but I don't fit in it T_T I am too small!! I am working on finding people who can try it on for a few snap shots so that I can have SOMETHING posted up.
I am getting a TON of orders for my Kitty Kat plush, but they also want some catnip added into the plush... hm... I just have to plan it out. I have a few orders for cut-tees (Yay!) I am still trying to work out pricing for it ... hm... Any Ideas???
I also went up to Sacramento (Lodi and Fair Oaks techincally) to celebrate my Grandmum Lyla's Birthday where she is now 80 years old and my Aunt Lori's Birthday in which she will soon be 50 years old! My Grandmum's brothers and sisters came and so did a few of their kids as well!
Last time I saw most of them was seven years ago when I went up to North Dakota for a Family Reunion. I got to see a few relatives who are now no longer with us and I am sad that I was unable to hear their tales of being in the military and living at the farm, but I guess that's what the other siblings are for. When I last saw them I was 13 years old and just finished Junior High. I was shy, uncomfortable, and felt completely surrounded by strangers. At the same time I felt like a celebrity since everyone (and I mean EVERYONE) knew who I was and were so happy I was there. When I wanted to go for ice cream we ran all the way to the nearest Dairy Queen. When I was hot they took the time to take me to the local pool. There were some kids around my age, but they were juniors and seniors in high school and spoke amongst themselves. Oh the memories I have to tell I could probably write a book about my life! *Sigh* there are too many books out there just like that, but when I have a week and am loaded on caffeine and sugar I will try to start the first 5 chapters hahaha XD
I~ can't wait for Rayko's photoshoot and for the Midnight showing of Toy Story 3 and the Pin Event on Saturday in Hollywood! You may think 'Hey! She works at the El Capitan!' Yeah~ No I don't actually. I'm just a super fan of Disney and that's the closest place for me. I LOVE going to Disneyland so don't be surprised if you see me there either.
OK! I think that's all I should really say now before I start spilling out the Disney secrets XD
Oh yeah! World of Color is a MUST SEE!!! I still wanna go to Glow Fest at Cali Advent. If you ever go there, PLEASE let me know how it is.
First of all I wanted to thank The Little Mermaid for the Shoutout you are such a sweetheart! She has great reviews on films and writes about certain things that makes me think 'hmm...' She's smart and has such a wonderful personality; I wouldn't doubt it one bit if she was Ariel :D

I finished all my projects I have found a seamstress to make my Pocahontas costume (yay!) I am also getting a John Smith costume made for my boyfriend (yay!) So I guess we will have them ready and posted during Disneyland's Trick-or-Treat party :) Fingers crossed sooner!!
My Oceans Cut-Tee is done, but I don't fit in it T_T I am too small!! I am working on finding people who can try it on for a few snap shots so that I can have SOMETHING posted up.
I am getting a TON of orders for my Kitty Kat plush, but they also want some catnip added into the plush... hm... I just have to plan it out. I have a few orders for cut-tees (Yay!) I am still trying to work out pricing for it ... hm... Any Ideas???
I also went up to Sacramento (Lodi and Fair Oaks techincally) to celebrate my Grandmum Lyla's Birthday where she is now 80 years old and my Aunt Lori's Birthday in which she will soon be 50 years old! My Grandmum's brothers and sisters came and so did a few of their kids as well!
Last time I saw most of them was seven years ago when I went up to North Dakota for a Family Reunion. I got to see a few relatives who are now no longer with us and I am sad that I was unable to hear their tales of being in the military and living at the farm, but I guess that's what the other siblings are for. When I last saw them I was 13 years old and just finished Junior High. I was shy, uncomfortable, and felt completely surrounded by strangers. At the same time I felt like a celebrity since everyone (and I mean EVERYONE) knew who I was and were so happy I was there. When I wanted to go for ice cream we ran all the way to the nearest Dairy Queen. When I was hot they took the time to take me to the local pool. There were some kids around my age, but they were juniors and seniors in high school and spoke amongst themselves. Oh the memories I have to tell I could probably write a book about my life! *Sigh* there are too many books out there just like that, but when I have a week and am loaded on caffeine and sugar I will try to start the first 5 chapters hahaha XD
I~ can't wait for Rayko's photoshoot and for the Midnight showing of Toy Story 3 and the Pin Event on Saturday in Hollywood! You may think 'Hey! She works at the El Capitan!' Yeah~ No I don't actually. I'm just a super fan of Disney and that's the closest place for me. I LOVE going to Disneyland so don't be surprised if you see me there either.
OK! I think that's all I should really say now before I start spilling out the Disney secrets XD
Oh yeah! World of Color is a MUST SEE!!! I still wanna go to Glow Fest at Cali Advent. If you ever go there, PLEASE let me know how it is.
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