Second, Helen!! :D
She's a Disney Cosplayer for life and has been known as Drizella (Cinderella), Pocahontas, Princess Jasmine, Ariel, Belle, and just recently as Charlotte (Princess and the Frog)
Like many cosplayers, she has made most of her costumes by hand along with styling the wigs. She's currently constructing wings for her Tinker Bell costume - From Scratch!
You can check out more pictures of her cosplay on her Deviant Art profile.

3) My biggest fan (according to FB) Mia!!
She's so sweet and friendly. Friends with a lot of cosplayers. Also she seems to be a cosplayer as well. Her Rosetta costume is currently under construction and the fabric and wings pattern are looking so well so far! She always seems excited about news and when we are in the process of building something. I recently posted pics from my first Mulan gig and the excitement really inspires me to continue and move ahead. I find support key to getting ahead and she's my #1 gal pal!
So those are my 3 current girls that I wanted to throw a shout out to! They are all Disney fans, caring, and wonderful girls!
I love you three! ♥♥
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