Wednesday, October 20, 2010

how happy

How Happy are you today?
It may be raining, hailing, blustery, stressful, dramatic, etc.
But when you finally sit down to take a breather, how thankful of life and of yourself are you?

I guess I'm having an epiphany, but it could also be because I am taking a breather as well.

All my life I looked at life as half empty and never half full, I always looked at the negative parts of my life and never at the good things that occurred. I summed up every year as terrible only thinking back to the worse parts rather than being thankful and smiling upon the wonderful parts.

Well, I am sitting on a bed covered in yarn, needles, and textbooks smiling and feeling positively amazing! The weather outside was cast over, but I grasped a moment where the sun was peeking through a sea of gray skies, reflecting off the tops and bottoms, creating beautiful silhouettes of objects that sat sweating dew drops. I only saw this for 15 seconds, but imagined hours of beautiful inspirations.

Yesterday I felt like absolute crap and yes I was thinking why waste my time with all this when I can just give up, move back to LA, and live at school? Because that would be giving up on myself and everyone around me. I just needed the support. Thankfully I had a phone call from my eldest Aunt and an e-mail from my dad checking up on me and letting me know they love me. It's great to hear the voice of family when you don't live with them anymore. It really brought up my mood once I heard them.

And for my baby business - it's what I call it - I make headbands, berets, and scarves. How many have I sold so far? 1 baby hat, and 10 headbands! All in the span of less than a month! I made a facebook page for my baby business and called it "So Kute Creations" and in the span of 24hrs it jumped from 35 to 55! I'm so thankful for all my friends and family for supporting me! Hopefully it booms and I can really get business going with it. Who knows you might soon see "So Kute Creations"- LA branch within a few years. I am crossing my fingers for 5 yrs. :)

Anyways, Please smile for me, keep your heads held high, and believe that things will be better.

And Thank you.


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